Ci Sau Workout

Wednesday, 2025-02-12 17:50 - 18:50

Free training for teenagers and adults

In our Ci Sau workout, the central exercise of Wing Chun is practised freely and without instruction. Ci Sau is the ideal partner exercise to learn how to deal with different energies and not to be unsettled or intimidated by surprises. The main aim is to develop the feeling for touch and energy, the ‘touch and feel’.

Open for anyone with Wing Chun experience

Have you practised Wing Chun in the past and want to get back into it? - Check your skills, come along.

Do you train Wing Chun? - Check your skills, come along.

Trust your system. This workout is open-style and encourages a friendly exchange. It is suitable for both young people and adults and offers an excellent opportunity to learn from and with each other in a relaxed atmosphere, without a lot of talking and explaining.

Entry requirements

At least three years of Wing Chun, Ving Tsun, Wing Tsun, Weng Chun experience.

Please write a message to register. Please use our contact form.

no trial training

Trial training is not possible in this course!

The invitation is issued by the respective trainer.

Further information and links to related courses


berlin siu lam wing chun pai
Conrad-Blenkle-Strasse 2-3
10407 Berlin

+49 30 20662228


M5 M6 M8 M10 18

S41 S42 S8 S85


M5 M6 M8 M10 18

S41 S42 S8 S85

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