Long Pole

Tuesday, 2025-02-11 11:10 - 12:10

Master the long pole of the Tang family

This course offers an in-depth introduction to the long pole techniques and forms that Sifu Peter Scholz learnt from the Tang family and now passes on to dedicated students. You will not only learn the basic movements, but also the complex sequences of the entire long pole form, which require both physical and mental discipline.

The course starts with the basics and gradually progresses to more advanced techniques. These exercises not only improve your long pole skills, but also your overall fighting techniques by transferring principles of armed combat to unarmed situations. This integration promotes a comprehensive martial arts competency that allows you to perform effectively in both armed and unarmed scenarios.

This course is ideal for dedicated youth and adults who want to expand their skills and gain deep insight into the principles and applications of the long pole in the context of Siu Lam Wing Chun.

no trial training

Trial training is not possible in this course!

The invitation is issued by the respective trainer.

Further information and links to related courses


berlin siu lam wing chun pai
Conrad-Blenkle-Strasse 2-3
10407 Berlin


+49 30 20662228


M5 M6 M8 M10 18

S41 S42 S8 S85


M5 M6 M8 M10 18

S41 S42 S8 S85

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