Youths Level 2

Thursday, 2025-02-13 17:30 - 18:45

Youths Training Kung Fu Self-Defence and Martial Arts

Take your kung fu to the next level

Are you ready to deepen your kung fu skills? In Level 2 youth training, you can expect new challenges that will expand the skills you have already learnt. We dive deeper into the traditional hand form Saam Baai Fat and advanced self-defence techniques specifically designed for challenging situations.

Learn how to apply your techniques in real-life combat situations and improve your tactical skills. We prepare you to respond to challenges both physically and mentally. Increase your confidence and martial arts skills.

no trial training

Trial training is not possible in this course!

The invitation is issued by the respective trainer.

Further information and links to related courses


berlin siu lam wing chun pai
Conrad-Blenkle-Strasse 2-3
10407 Berlin

+49 178 1965798


M5 M6 M8 M10 18

S41 S42 S8 S85


M5 M6 M8 M10 18

S41 S42 S8 S85

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