Siu Lam Wing Chun in Combat Sports

Neue Serie: Siu Lam Wing Chun in Combat Sports – Mit Max Kraft

Wir sind stolz, euch unsere neueste Social Media Serie vorzustellen, in der wir euch zeigen, wie Siu Lam Wing Chun effektiv in Wettkampfsituationen angewendet werden kann. Diese Serie markiert einen besonderen Moment, denn sie wird von Max Kraft, meinem Partner und erfahrenen Kämpfer, geleitet. Gemeinsam haben wir die SLWCP Fight Academy gegründet, um eine neue Generation von Kämpfern auszubilden.

Ein Rückblick und der Start der neuen Serie

Unsere vorherige Serie, in der wir die Handtechniken des Wing Chun Kyun – der grundlegenden Handform des Siu Lam Wing Chun – vorgestellt haben, war ein großer Erfolg. Viele von euch haben uns positives Feedback gegeben, und es war großartig zu sehen, wie ihr das Wissen in eurem eigenen Training angewendet habt. Nun gehen wir einen Schritt weiter.

In der ersten Episode dieser neuen Serie haben Max und ich die Grundlagen des Siu Lam Wing Chun im Wettkampf angekündigt und euch eingeladen, uns auf dieser Reise zu begleiten. Diese Serie wird sich auf die praktische Anwendung konzentrieren und euch zeigen, wie ihr die Techniken in echten Kampfsituationen einsetzt.

Was erwartet euch in der neuen Serie?

  • Max Kraft am Ruder: Max wird euch durch die Serie führen und seine umfassenden Erfahrungen im Kampfsport einbringen. Mit seiner Expertise wird er zeigen, wie die traditionellen Techniken des Siu Lam Wing Chun modern interpretiert und im Wettkampf eingesetzt werden können.
  • Praktische Anwendungen: Von der richtigen Ellenbogenposition über die Verteidigung gegen verschiedene Angriffe bis hin zur Nutzung von Pad-Work-Übungen – wir zeigen euch, wie ihr Siu Lam Wing Chun direkt in eurem Kampfsporttraining anwenden könnt.
  • Interaktive Inhalte und Workshops: Wir laden alle interessierten Kämpfer ein, uns für weitere Informationen zu Workshops oder speziellen Trainingsprogrammen zu kontaktieren. Diese Serie ist für alle offen, unabhängig vom Stil – es geht darum, die Prinzipien und Konzepte zu verstehen, die überall angewendet werden können.

Warum diese Serie für euch wichtig ist

In der Welt des Kampfsports gibt es viele Mythen und Missverständnisse, besonders wenn es um traditionelle Stile wie Wing Chun geht. Mit unserer Serie möchten wir zeigen, dass Siu Lam Wing Chun mehr ist als nur eine alte Kampfkunst – es ist ein dynamisches System, das perfekt in moderne Kampfsportszenarien integriert werden kann.

Schaut vorbei und seid dabei!

Wir laden euch ein, die neue Serie mit uns zu entdecken. Max und ich freuen uns, euch auf dieser Reise zu begleiten. Abonniert unseren Kanal, liked und teilt unsere Inhalte, und verpasst nicht die Gelegenheit, mehr über unsere Workshops zu erfahren. Schreibt uns einfach eine Nachricht!

Folgen direkt ansehen

🔄 Redirecting the force in Siu Lam Wing Chun 🔄

In our latest clip from the Siu Lam Wing Chun in Combat Sports series, we dive into Redirecting the Force. 💥

🎯 Discover how to seamlessly get into the right position to redirect your opponent’s force during real fights, creating opportunities to counter and dominate the situation. In Siu Lam Wing Chun, mastering this technique can make all the difference between defense and attack.

💡 What you’ll learn:
⭐ How to move into the position to redirect force
⭐ Key follow-up strategies after redirecting
⭐ How to use redirection in real fight scenarios

Don’t miss this chance to deepen your skills! 👊

Watch the full episode and let us know your thoughts in the comments!
👉 Like, share, and tag a friend who’s serious about Wing Chun.
📩 Interested in workshops? Drop us a message!

#WingChun #SiuLamWingChun #slwcp #SLWCCombat #CombatSports #MartialArts #RedirectForce #KungFu #TraditionalMartialArts
🎬 New Video Alert! 🥋💥 Watch our Siu Lam Wing Chun in action at the Dragon Cup 2024! 🏆 Max Kraft leads the way as we showcase traditional Wing Chun in real competition, proving that it works beyond the movies! 📽️ Catch the full fights now on our YouTube channel! 🚀

👊 Want to see how we apply Wing Chun concepts in combat sports? Check it out and let us know what you think in the comments!

🔗 Link also in Bio!


#SiuLamWingChun #SLWCP  #SLWCCombat #WingChun #CombatSports #DragonCup2024 #MartialArts #TraditionalWingChun #RealFights
🔥 New Episode Out Now: Attacking the Arms in Siu Lam Wing Chun! 🔥

In this clip, we explore the often-overlooked concept of attacking the arms to gain control and dominate the fight! 💪 While boxing and kickboxing limit arm strikes to certain targets, Siu Lam Wing Chun takes it further, allowing you to control your opponent’s arms to secure better positioning and create devastating angles for your attacks. 🎯

🦾 What you’ll learn:
⭐ The difference between allowed targets in boxing and kickboxing
⭐ The advantage of controlling the arms in Sanda, MMA, and free fighting
⭐ A look at one Siu Lam Wing Chun concept that make this possible

🔗 Whether you’re competing in Sanda, MMA, or free fight, Siu Lam Wing Chun gives you the edge with a wide range of unique techniques and concepts designed for free fight or combat sports with a more open ruleset. 👊

#SLWCCombat #WingChun #SiuLamWingChun #boxing #kickboxing #mma #freefight #slwcp
🎯 Attacking from an Angle in Siu Lam Wing Chun 🔄

In the latest episode of our Siu Lam Wing Chun in Combat Sports series, we focus on how to effectively attack from an angle. Whether you’re using the Bow-Step or a smooth Pivot, mastering these movements allows you to approach your opponent with precision and control. 🥊

What you’ll learn:

⚡ How to set up attacks from an advantageous angle.
🥾 The use of the Bow-Step to close in on your opponent.
🔄 How to use the Pivot to reposition and strike with power.

Taking the fight to your opponent from an angle maximizes both your offense and defense. See how these key techniques play out in real-time! ⚡️

🎥 Check it out, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to stay on top of all the new content.

#SiuLamWingChun #SLWCCombat #WingChun #MartialArts #AttackingFromAnAngle #slwcp
🔺 Footwork Mastery in Siu Lam Wing Chun 🔄

In our latest episode of the Siu Lam Wing Chun in Combat Sports series, we explore the essential footwork techniques that form the backbone of effective movement and power generation in combat. 🥊

What you’ll learn:

	•	The Triangle Footwork, using the Bow-Step for precise and powerful transitions.
	•	The Circle Footwork to maintain fluid and dynamic movement.
	•	How to Pivot effectively to keep control and stay balanced.

Footwork is the foundation of positioning and control in any fight. Discover how these techniques enhance your ability to strike, defend, and outmaneuver your opponent. 🚶‍♂️💥

🎥 Don’t miss out! Watch now, and don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to stay updated on all our latest releases.

#SiuLamWingChun #SLWCCombat #WingChun #Footwork #MartialArts #slwcp
🛡️ Po Paai for Kick Defense – Mastering the Art of Defense in Siu Lam Wing Chun 🦶

In our latest episode, we dive deeper into the Po Paai technique, focusing on its application for kick defense. Learn how to defend against both straight kicks and round kicks, and discover the critical footwork and strategies that make this technique effective. 🥋

What you’ll learn:

⭐ The Po Paai technique’s application in defending against kicks.
⭐ How to handle straight kicks and round kicks with precision.
⭐ The importance of footwork in maintaining balance and control.
⭐ Key principles to keep your defense strong and effective.

Stay focused on your training, refine your skills, and elevate your defense game with Siu Lam Wing Chun. Don’t miss out on this essential knowledge!

💬 Questions? Drop them in the comments!
👍 Like, share, and subscribe for more!
📩 Interested in workshops? Send us a message to learn more!

#WingChun #SiuLamWingChun #slwcp #KickDefense #MartialArts #PoPaai #KungFu #SelfDefense #SLWCCombat
🛡️ Wall Defense Drill 2: Slantwise Guard 🥋

In our latest episode, we dive into the Wall Defense Drill 2 using the slantwise guard.
In Siu Lam Wing Chun, this position is known as Po Paai, a technique that provides a solid foundation for both defense and counter-attacks. While it shares similarities with the Philly Shell in boxing, other Wing Chun lineages refer to this concept as Bong Sau Wu Sau.

Learn how to effectively use this versatile guard to handle incoming attacks with precision and control.

What you’ll learn:
- The fundamentals of the slantwise guard (Po Paai)
- How to use hand, elbow, and shoulder in defense
- How and when to use each hand to parry incoming attacks

Don’t miss this opportunity to elevate your skills and deepen your understanding of Siu Lam Wing Chun.

📲 Watch the full video, leave a comment, and share your thoughts! Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe for more content.

#WingChun #SiuLamWingChun #SLWCP #MartialArts #CombatSports #SLWCCombat
🌟 Wall Defense Drill from the Basic Guard 🌟
In today’s clip, we focus on a fundamental exercise: handling incoming attacks with our Wall Defense Drill from the basic guard position. 🛡️
While many Wing Chun practitioners get caught up in debates about the origins of Wing Chun and Siu Lam Wing Chun, the true essence lies in practice and application. Legends and historical records don’t make good fighters—consistent training does. 💪
👉 Let’s focus on what really matters: the training.
What you’ll learn:
         •       Master the basic guard position for effective defense.
         •       Develop reflexive responses to incoming attacks.
         •       Enhance your practical Wing Chun skills in real-world scenarios.
Hit the link to watch the clip! 🎥
👊 Remember to like, share, and comment to let us know your thoughts. For more information or to join a workshop, send us a message!
#WingChun #SiuLamWingChun #SLWCP #MartialArtsTraining #FocusOnTraining #SLWCCombat
🌟Applying Punching Pad Drills in Sparring!🌟

Today, we dive deeper into our series „Siu Lam Wing Chun in Combat Sports“ with an exciting new clip! Last week, we introduced you to our punching pad drill. This week, we take it to the next level by applying it in sparring sessions. Watch as we demonstrate how to use this drill effectively for both defense and attack. 🥋🥊

What You’ll Learn:
- Transitioning pad drills to real sparring situations
- Using the punching pad drill for defense
- Utilizing the same drill for powerful attacks

👊 Don’t miss out on these essential techniques! Whether you’re a seasoned fighter or just starting your journey, these drills will enhance your skills and bring your Wing Chun to life in a combative setting.

🎥 Check out the clip now and let us know what you think in the comments! Like, share, and subscribe for more! For workshop inquiries or further information, feel free to send us a message.

#SiuLamWingChun #WingChun #CombatSports #MartialArts #KungFu #slwcp #MaxKraft #PeterScholz #SelfDefense #Sparring #SLWCCombat
🎬 New Clip Alert: Pad Work in Siu Lam Wing Chun🥋

In our latest episode, Max demonstrates the power of pad work in Siu Lam Wing Chun. Discover how to master attacking drills and effectively intercept opponent attacks. Whether you're a seasoned fighter or just starting, this episode is packed with valuable insights to elevate your skills. 💪

🔸 What you'll learn:
- Precision in attacking drills 🎯
- Techniques to intercept and counter opponent attacks 🛡️
- The essence of Siu Lam Wing Chun pad work 🥊

Don't miss out on this opportunity to enhance your training! Like, share, and comment with your thoughts. For more information or to join our workshops, send us a message!

#WingChun #SiuLamWingChun #slwcp #CombatSports #MartialArts #PadWork #SelfDefense #MaxKraft #PeterScholz #SLWCCombat
🚨 New Series Alert: Siu Lam Wing Chun in Combat Sports 🚨

We are excited to launch our new series, “Siu Lam Wing Chun in Combat Sports,” where we’ll explore the practical application of Siu Lam Wing Chun techniques in a competitive environment. 🥋💥

In our first episode, we focus on the proper elbow position. Understanding the correct placement of your elbows is crucial for both defense and attack, ensuring you stay protected while delivering powerful strikes. 🔥

Featured Techniques:
⭐ Deng Zoeng (Thrusting Palm)
⭐ Cin Ci Sau (Cutting Hand)

🔍 Learn how to:

	•	Defend effectively with optimal elbow positioning
	•	Seamlessly integrate defense and attack
	•	Apply these techniques in various fighting scenarios

Join us as we delve into the dynamic world of Siu Lam Wing Chun in combat sports! 💪

🔗 Watch the full episode and see how these techniques can enhance your fighting skills!

📩 Interested in learning more? Send us a message for information about workshops and further training opportunities.

👍 Like, share, and subscribe to our channel for more exciting content!
#WingChun #SiuLamWingChun #SLWCP #CombatSports #MartialArts #SelfDefense #SLWCCombat
🥋 Wrapping Up & Exciting New Series Announcement! 🥋
We’re thrilled by the amazing response to our Wing Chun Kyun Hand Forms Applications series! 🙌 Your likes, shares, and comments have been incredible, and we’re grateful for your support. ❤️
I’m Peter Scholz, and I had the pleasure of leading you through our last series about the Wing Chun Kyun hand form. Now, we’re excited to introduce our new series: Applying Siu Lam Wing Chun in Combative Sports! 🥊 This series will be led by Max Kraft, my partner at the SLWCP Fight Academy.
In this new series, you’ll discover:
•  How to adapt Wing Chun techniques for combative sports
•  Practical applications and strategies for real fights
•  Training tips and insights from experienced practitioners
Don’t miss out on this exciting journey! Watch our first clip wrapping up the old series and get ready for the new one. 🎥
For those eager to dive deeper, we’re open to organizing workshops and providing further information. Send us a message to learn more! 📩
Stay tuned, keep training, and let’s take your skills to the next level! 🚀
#WingChun #SiuLamWingChun #slwcp #CombativeSports #MartialArts #WingChunTraining #FightTraining #MartialArtsCommunity #WingChunFighting #SLWCCombat
💬 Like, share, and comment to let us know what you think!


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