Ci Sau

The art of sticky hands in Wing Chun

We prefer the term “Ci Sau”, which is closer to the actual pronunciation, while the spelling “Chi Sao” is often used in the West. Ci Sau, also known as “sticky hands”, is a central exercise practice in Wing Chun, a Chinese martial art that focuses on efficiency and self-defense. This technique is used to improve close combat skills, control, speed and agility by keeping the practitioner’s arms in contact with those of a partner.
Through dynamic pressure and controlled movements, the aim is to improve one’s own defense skills and control the partner.

Ci Sau is practiced in a variety of forms, which can differ in their orientation – frontal, oblique, lateral – and arm position – with parallel or crossed arms. There are variations with and without a set sequence, with and without step work, as well as defensive and offensive approaches.

In Siu Lam Wing Chun, the training of all these forms of Ci Sau is essential to fully master the martial art. The skills in the Ci Sau must be excellent in all situations in order to be able to respond effectively to challenges. This makes Ci Sau an indispensable part of training for any serious practitioner of Wing Chun.


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