Double knives

Double knives in Siu Lam Wing Chun

The double knives, also known as soeng dou, are a central training weapon in Siu Lam Wing Chun Kung Fu.
This practice begins after a basic introduction to the techniques with short sticks and builds on these skills.
Due to their unique handling, the double knives offer an excellent opportunity to deepen the specific concepts of the martial art.
The training includes a variety of partner exercises that not only sharpen technical skills, but also activate the body’s memory.
This in turn has a positive influence on unarmed combat by transferring the principles and movements to unarmed combat.

A historical look at the double knives leads us to the Wu Dip Dou, or butterfly knives, which originally come from the Fei Hung Kyun, the flying red fist.
This form came into our Wing Chun style via Pan Nam and has its roots in resistance fighting.
The Lo family, known for their mastery of knife fighting within Siu Lam Wing Chun, shaped this art.
However, it is uncertain whether the specific knife style of the Lo family still exists today.
Due to their common origin in southern Chinese kung fu, it can be assumed that they are very similar to the Wu Dip Dou of Fei Hung Kyun.

It is important to emphasize that we strongly advise against an unarmed defense against a knife attack. Such situations carry a high risk and no amount of training can guarantee a safe defense against an armed attacker. In such cases, it is advisable to prioritize life by fleeing or handing over any valuables you are carrying. Direct confrontation in a knife attack can be life-threatening and should be avoided. In life-threatening situations, the course of action always depends on the specific circumstances. Exercises that involve reaching into knife attacks are considered extremely risky and irresponsible.


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